Courage Is A Habit: You Are Their First and Best Teacher

Trump needs YOU

Originally posted by Courage Is A Habit on X

First SteP: Counter The Lies!

Right on the heels of the 2024 election, we released 10 lies that government K-12 schools will be telling children about President-elect Donald Trump.
We received several messages from parents asking why we didn’t provide counters to those 10 lies.

Five Lies told about DJT list 1
Five Lies told about DJT list 2

No More ‘Hands-Off’ Parenting Style

While we understand the desire for ready-made answers, this is exactly how we got here: hands-off parenting when it comes to education. For far too long, we’ve trusted government schools, education “experts”, and non-profit organizations to teach our children. That blind trust is why CRT, LGBTQMAP ideology, and political indoctrination have taken deep root in government K-12 classrooms.

The reality is simple: if you delegate your role as the primary educator of your child, someone else will step in to fill that void….and they won’t always align with your values. It’s time to reclaim your power as parents. Instead of looking for others to counter these lies, use this as an opportunity to guide your children in learning the truth themselves.

Here are 3 invaluable ways to bond with your children. Come up with other ways to generate conversation based on the age and maturity of each child.

1. Teach Critical Thinking

Go through each lie listed and here are some sample questions you can ask your children.

  • “President Trump was president for fours years, did he commit any of these acts? What reasons would he do so now?”
  • “What reasons can you think of why someone would tell that lie?”
  • “Who benefits from it?”
  • “Does it make common sense?”

This builds their ability to question narratives.

2. Introduce them to independent journalists and full context videos

Every one of those lies are pushed by legacy media who pump out dishonestly edited videos. This is a prime opportunity for you to teach your children to move away from legacy media and clickbait headlines. Train them to listen to long form podcasts and make judgements for themselves. This also has the added benefit in countering the “media literacy” scam that is already in K-12.

3. Questioning Authority

Gone are the days where we simply tell our children to “Listen and believe what your teacher says”. Increasingly more and more teachers and professors are woke activists and propaganda mouthpieces. By showing your children how to debunk these lies, you’re giving them the confidence to speak up when they know they’re being manipulated, especially by those in “authority”.

Our Mission

Courage Is A Habit is dedicated to exposing the many layers of indoctrination in K-12 and give you the tools to fight them, but your role as parents is far more critical! Your child doesn’t need another “teacher” dictating what to believe. They need you; engaged, active, and leading by example.

We have a once-in-lifetime window these next four years to completely eject all the many programs and NGOs that have destroyed our government K-12, but we need every parent to get more involved than ever before. President Trump cannot impact the indoctrination at your local schools.

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Courage Is A Habit:
’It Takes One Person’

Children deserve to grow up with their innocence intact. Courage Is A Habit offers tools that teach how you can stay on the offense and force child abusers and radical activists out of children’s schools and lives. 
Thursdays at 3pm est Courage Is A Habit’s exclusive series, ‘IT TAKES ONE PERSON’ broadcasts on the X platform. It is also streamed live on America Mission™’s channels on, and Kick.  
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