Courage Is A Habit: Stop Saying Trump is Going to Fix It!

Say Instead: ‘Trump Has Given Us The Tools To Fix It!’

Concerned Parents CIAH
Originally posted with Courage After Dark broadcast on X 02.19.25

  • 💪 This is one of the most powerful tools that they’ve not been able to use
  • 📜 Your schools will not change because President Trump issued Executive Orders

Dear Colleague Letters

📷 In this Courage After Dark episode, they explain how to utilize the “Dear Colleague Letters“.

00:00 – 01:35 : Mindset shift, “President Trump is giving us the tools to fix it”.
01:36 – 04:50 : What is a “Dear Colleague Letter”?
04:51 – 07:36 : Dear Colleague Letter – Title IX, Feb 4
07:37 – 24:14 : Dear Colleague Letter – DEI, Feb 14
24:15 – 24:43 : The K-12 system will not stop indoctrinating your children on their own.
24:44 – 29:43 : Steps for offense and proactive action to file with The Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
29:44 – 33:49 : BLM Week and Learning For Justice activities.
33:50 – 36:01 : Using school counselors to show violations.
36:01 – 38:47 : Your woke school boards fear you more than they fear President Trump.

Presentation with links and graphics

Video available on X, Rumble, Pilled and YouTube .

Comprehensive Center Network

Here is another way for you to show that your school is in violation of the two “Dear Colleague Letters”.

Listen as Jenn_McW explains this audit that your state went through as well.
Find this audit and you’ll see that your entire school system and culture is in violation of the Dear Colleague letter explained in the video above.

📣 🧵🎯Are you aware of the Comprehensive Center Network?
They have just been exposed as part of the wasteful spending from the Department of Education.
Listen as I briefly explain why this actually matters even MORE to EVERYONE & how we will leverage it 👇

Read the accompanying thread
==> HERE!

Liberty Is Not A Spectator Sport

It is crucial that we shrink federal government control and get it’s strings and shackles out of K-12.

The education of our children cannot be a political football where it is at the whims of whoever is sitting in the White House. We’ll have much more tools and strategies coming out in the coming weeks and months to help parents understand that solving the political and sexual indoctrination of government K-12 will take more than Executive Orders and the dismantling the Department of EducationIt will require parents to be informed, proactive, and aggressively protective of their children’s hearts and minds.” ~Courage Is A Habit

Continue to Educate Yourself!


Courage Is A Habit’s has rebranded ‘It Takes One Person’ show into a new exclusive series
COURAGE AFTER DARK’ broadcasting weekly on the X platform.
Time and date will be announced at the beginning of each week on their X Profile as it will vary.
Check out a complete archive of their prior broadcasts of ‘It Takes One Person’ on AM’s Rumble and Pilled

Be a Courageous Supporter

Courage Is A Habit is dedicated to exposing the many layers of indoctrination in K-12 and give you the tools to fight them, but your role as parents is far more critical! Your child doesn’t need another “teacher” dictating what to believe. They need you; engaged, active, and leading by example.

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