How to Stop Rogue Judges

CTA: Weed Out Activist Judges

Rogue activist judge

What is Congress Doing?

H.R.432 – Seventh Amendment Restoration Act



But What Can YOU Do?

Your Vote on Judges
Makes a Difference!

  • Take action locally when time comes to vote for judges.
  • Research and remove any activist Judges who rule by biased agenda rather than using the Constitution as a litmus test.
  • Find What’s on Your Ballot.
  • Consult Nonpartisan Sources for Candidate and Issue Profiles
  • Check Out a Candidateโ€™s Website
  • Harness Social Media
  • Stay Connected With Your Local News
  • Ask Your Fellow Community Members
  • Explore Voter Guides And Election Toolkits
  • Engage With Community Meetings And Town Halls for STATE AND LOCAL VOTER CANDIDATE INFORMATION

To research judges on your ballot, you can start by checking resources like the Arizona Commission on Judicial Performance Review, which provides voter insights based on input from people who have interacted with the judges in court.
Additionally, the Florida Bar offers a guide called “The Voteโ€™s in YOUR COURT,” which explains judicial elections and merit retention processes in Florida and includes self-disclosure statements from judicial candidates.
Ballotpedia offers comprehensive information on judicial elections across the country, including details on how judges are selected and the election processes in different states.

How Else to Get Involved?

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