Jordan Peterson’s Journey through the Culture War

Catch up with everyone’s favorite Canadian psychologist.

Jordan Peterson FOI

In this edition of Faces of Intrepidity, a sub-series where America Mission™ explores the brave and dauntless figures that the culture war has to offer, we’re profiling Jordan Peterson. He’s a Canadian psychologist, educator, author, and commentator known for his views on cultural and political issues.

The Early Days

Jordan Peterson was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and grew up in Fairview. In 1979, he enrolled in Grande Prairie Regional College, wanting to become a corporate lawyer, but changed his mind after reading George Orwell’s The Road to Wigan Pier.

Peterson earned a B.A. in political science from the University of Alberta in 1982. He took a year off to work as a driver for social services, traveling around Europe and observing the destructive aftereffects of World War II.

Peterson followed up with a B.A. in psychology in 1984. He later received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from McGill University in 1991.

The Professor

Soon thereafter, Peterson returned to the classroom under different circumstances. He started his academic career with research and teaching positions.

Peterson worked as a post-doctoral fellow at McGill’s Douglas Hospital until 1993. He was an assistant professor in Harvard University’s psychology department from 1993 to 1998.

His first book, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (1999), was based on his doctoral work. Peterson’s main goal was to examine why individuals and groups participate in social conflicts that can eventually lead to murderous atrocities like genocides.

Peterson also taught at the University of Toronto in 1998, becoming a full professor in 2004. His early work focused on the psychology of religious and ideological belief. Peterson also specialized in personality development, particularly in the psychological underpinnings of political orientations.

The Culture Warrior

Peterson gained worldwide attention in 2016 when he publicly opposed Canada’s Bill C-16. This bill added gender identity and expression as protected categories under the Canadian Human Rights Act.

Peterson argued that the bill threatened free speech by mandating certain language use, a stance that sparked both support and criticism globally. This controversy propelled him into the public eye as a figure in the culture wars.

A year later, Peterson revamped his YouTube channel, making his ideas and Kermit the Frog-like voice more accessible worldwide. His lectures on psychology, philosophy, and culture exploded in popularity, skyrocketing him to millions of views.

Over the years, Peterson has authored several more books. His next book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (2018), became an international bestseller, selling millions of copies.

The Family man

In his personal life, Peterson married Tammy Roberts and had two children, Mikhaila and Julian. His son is a musician and his daughter followed in her father’s footsteps, becoming a prominent podcaster.

Peterson developed a severe benzodiazepine dependency from 2019 to 2020 after learning that his wife was battling cancer. He was placed in a medically induced coma, recovering after receiving treatment in Russia and Serbia.

The Canadian SuperStar

After recovering, Peterson returned to the culture war, releasing Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life (2021), a sequel to his 2018 bestseller.

Peterson cut a content deal with The Daily Wire, became the Chancellor of Ralston College, and started an education outlet, Peterson Academy, in 2022. Their goal, in their own words, is: “Education, devoid of ideology.”

From 2022 onwards, Peterson built a massive online following. He has over 8.5 million YouTube subscribers and 6 million followers on X today. His influence continues to grow, shaping conversations on culture, psychology, and politics.

Peterson founded the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship with Baroness Stroud and John Anderson in 2023. They hosted its international conference that same year. His latest book, We Who Wrestle with God: Perceptions of the Divine (2024), was published nearly a year later.

Tune in Next Time

Jordan Peterson is a towering figure in the modern political landscape. He’s armed with a sharp mind and dares to resist the chaos of our times.

Peterson’s journey from the quiet prairies of Alberta to the global stage has been nothing short of extraordinary. He challenges us all to wrestle with life and its challenges through his words and ideas, leaving an indelible mark on the world—one rule and class at a time.

America Mission™’s timeline on
Jordan Peterson’s past

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Faces of Intrepidity!

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